Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday. . . and Baptism

So we kind of like to do things all at once in our family.  Between December and January, we hit all 3 kids birthdays.  (They were all actually due in January, Syd came early)  Lizzie celebrated her 8th birthday on the 12th of January.  We had a party on the 16th because she wanted to go see "Hotel for Dogs" and it opened that day.  Good times -cute movie!  She was happy because she got the bike that Santa forgot to bring her and can't wait for spring to get outside and ride it!  We love our little 8 year old - she is the funniest little girl.  She told my mom she wanted either a stuffed monkey holding a banana, a sweater sewn by grandma (WHAT!?), or a trip to Disneyland with her cousins. . . ok. . . let's just say she got the monkey,
 holding a REAL banana.
These are her primary and school buddies - cute little girls - 
we love them all.

So then it was on to January 18th and big Alex's big 15th!  I can't believe he is 15!!  What in the world am I going to do next year?  I'm pretty sure I was just 15 and I think that is what bugs me the most!  His birthday was on Sunday and let's face it, that is kind of a drag.  He got lots of cool stuff for his new motorcycle, some xbox games and clothes and we still need to go pick out a new motorcycle helmet.  We went sledding with Crow's at the cabin on Monday, 
which was great and then we got him home in time to go to a movie with all of his friends for his birthday!  He is such a good kid with a great personality.  He torments me, but is so fun to have around.  As much as I hate him growing up,
 it sure is fun to watch!
This is Build-a-Bears version of Harvey the Hillcrest Huskie -his tag says

We decided, what the heck, let's baptize Lizzie on Alex's Birthday - big family party for both of them. . . sounded like a great idea, and it was.  Lizzie looked so cute and was so excited for this day.  She just grinned and kept saying how happy she felt.  We were able to have almost all of our family there and except for a few friends with conflicts, we were so blessed to have all of them too.  Even though our house was crowded, I can't even express how lucky we felt to have all the people we love so much in one place.  Lizzie is a lucky, loved, blessed little person and I am so thankful that I get to be in her life and benefit from who she is and those who love her.  Alex had family and some of his friends and cake and games on xbox 
 and it was just a great night.  
We love our kids!

Monday, January 5, 2009

and in comes 2009. . .

Happy New Year!
We had dinner at my parents and then a party at our house
 for about 20 of Alex's friends.
Syd was down the street at Gracie's and we all got together just before midnight for fireworks and the burning of our gingerbread house.  We went to the cabin with Crows and Mindy, Remy and Trevor New Years Day for some good times sledding and playing in the snow.  I feel so blessed entering this new year.  2008 was good to us - I only hope 2009 holds the same!  Time for resolutions and just all around trying a little harder to be a little better - bring it on!
Burn baby burn. . .  we all smelled like campfire afterward!
The Cabin in all the beautiful SNOW!!

Lizzie and her cute cousin Mindy

 Sydney and Makail
 We could not get the kids to come inside.  They were all drenched by the end of the day.  Too much sledding fun - I could not decide if it was the sledding or the ride up the mountain in the sled behind the snowmobile that made me feel broken for two days after!

Even Buddy got his snow fix running up and down the mountain with Crows cute blood hound Maggie.  They are funny dogs.  
Time to head back to reality. . .


These are the five cute 9th graders who play on the Hillcrest Sophomore basketball team.  They are all friends  - we love them and we LOVE to cheer for them!
You go 9th graders!!