Thursday, April 12, 2007


This seems to be the running theme in our family lately. The kids (and their dad) would rather "ride" then do just about anything else. We ended our spring break with a day of motorcycling at Delle - on the awesome track - with the Crow Cousins and our good friends the Standiford's. Both of these families I blame for our motorcycling hobby. I am slowly trying to learn to love the sport. I still struggle to get through the occasional heart attack while watching my riders. I am the proud owner of my own motorcycle - the jury is still out on whether or not it's really my thing. . .it is everyone else's for sure!
Here is Alex. . .
Yes, I look like I am dressed for skiing - I was FREEZING! Check out the training wheels! I probably should get some myself.
This is Lizzie's new bike. Isn't Syd a girly girl? She got off her bike long enough to eat.

The trailers become our homes for the day - especially when it's cold.

Michael, Tanner and Alex raced Courtland, Makail and Sydney's bikes as hard and as fast as they could. It was funny and scary to watch.